Home School Requirements

The Virginia Code provides for exemptions from compulsory attendance requirements for those children who are to be instructed at home.

Announcement: The Home School/Homebound office has temporarily moved to 17346 Warwick Blvd 23603, Katherine Johnson, Adult Learning Center. Please contact Jane Moreland at (757) 928-6765 x.38840 with any quesitons.

Please download the following home schooling documents. PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTS COMPLETELY prior to turning in an Intent to Home School form. You must provide an Intent to Home School packet every year you plan to home school. NNPS Policy IHBG-P: Procedures, Home Schooling.

Notice to Parents/Guardians of Home Schooled Children

Completed intent forms must be returned to the address listed below by August 15. Please be reminded that test results from last year are also due by August 1. If you have not already done so, please mail the results along with your completed Intent to Provide Home Instruction form to:

Newport News Public Schools
Gatewood Learning Center
Youth Development - Home School Office
1241 Gatewood Road
Newport News, VA 23601